Authorize Location


App Versions When Publish:
iOS 4.5.0
And 4.5.0


Please proceed.

  1. iPhone settings app
  2. Privacy
  3. Location information
  4. SilentLog

The option “Allow location Access” is as follows.
Items with a blue checkmark on the right side of the screen are currently selected.

  • None
  • Next time confirmation
  • Allowed only while using this app
  • Always

Select Always.



Android settings may differ depending on the OS and device manufacturer.
I am writing based on Pixel4 (OS10).

Please proceed.

  1. Android settings app
  2. Location information
  3. App permissions
  4. SilentLog

The option “Access permission to the location information of this app” is as follows.
Items with a blue checkmark on the left side of the screen are currently selected.

  • Always allow
  • Allowed only while using the app
  • not allowed

Select “Always Allow”.
